Sign up to get up to date communication about our future conferences.
Our annual meeting takes place just once a year in the spring, but we're working on the meeting all year long! There are plenty of opportunities to get more involved in PANE. From presenting a poster on an intriguing research endeavor, to giving a lecture on your most fascinating case, to helping to organize the meeting each year-- getting more involved in PANE is a great opportunity for personal and professional growth and advancement.
Interested in sharing an interesting case or research study?
Each year we have PA speaker slots available for a 20-30 minute PA presentation. Share an interesting case you'e grossed or research study!
If interested, e-mail and send along a few sentences outlining your topic.
Have a poster that you would like to present to your peers in a casual setting?
If interested in sharing your poster at our next meeting, e-mail
Want to become more involved in the organization and planning of each annual meeting?
If interested in helping out, e-mail
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